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MBA Dissertation Writing Help

As current trends show, more and more people are applying for MBA programs and seeking to attend graduate business school in order to attain a higher paying or more fulfilling career. The job market today is competitive, and higher education is sometimes required to beat out other job applicants.

MBA Dissertation

You may be aware that one of the major requirements of successfully completing and graduating from an MBA program is the completion of a formal, lengthy piece of writing, called an MBA Dissertation. The MBA Dissertation is not an MBA Thesis, as some students confuse it with, and is basically a long research project to prove to administrators and professors that you have comprehended material covered in the MBA courses, that you are able to apply your comprehension to the real business world, and that you are able to do in-depth research on your own.

MBA Dissertations can vary in topic and form. A Dissertation can be a business report, a business plan, a research-based document or a case study, and often a combination of these forms. So the MBA Dissertation may consist of research into a specific company or industry wide research, a business plan that gives strategic analysis, feasibility study and implementation plan, a business report that focuses on a particular issue and then interprets facts to suggest implementation of solutions, and a case study that describes and analyzes one or a small number of social phenomena, such as a specific event or situation in a company or branch of the company.

Good MBA Dissertations may be written with different approaches, conducting qualitative or quantitative research.Qualitative research focuses on understanding and analyzing the meaning of situations and events, understanding processes, and identifying certain phenomena or influences.  Quantitative research involves survey methods, establishing validity and providing cold, hard facts and figures. One type of research is not more valuable or "better" than the other, choosing one's research style all depends on one's own interests and skills. In order to write an excellent MBA dissertation, it is advisable to choose an approach that is most efficient for you and your specific purposes. The style you choose should best display your unique research and ability to convey comprehension and interpretation of the research. Whichever approach you choose, you want to use that style to make your research cohesive, and make your topic fascinating.

Referencing an MBA Dissertation is fairly simple if you review some general rules before beginning your paper. There are many different methods of referencing that people use to write MBA Dissertations, but Harvard is almost always acceptable.Check with your specific institution to make sure your reference style will be acceptable, and make sure to stay consistent with whichever method you choose. Regardless of the style used, remember the purpose of referencing. You are allowing the reader to find supporting evidence that backs up any research and/or points made in your dissertation. Usually it is ideal to make the document as easy as possible to read, without having to stop and start because of endnotes or citations. You may want to include a Bibliography, although this is often optional. It goes before the Appendices and is different from the references section. A Bibliography basically lists any supporting documentation that may have been used to write the dissertation, but was not directly quoted or referenced. The Appendices is the section to include any sources used to develop arguments featured in your Dissertation, not included in the actual body (to avoid making the document to jumbled with notes). You will reference the Appendices in the notes but not cite all of the details outlined in the Appendices.

No matter how you write or reference your MBA Dissertation, the most important factor in writing an excellent paper is having conviction. If you can convince your reader of your interpretation of your topic and your arguments regarding the topic, then you will most likely earn positive marks. Rather than describing, rewording or summarizing a topic or body of research, you want to analyze, interpret and explain. Remember, above all else, you want your reader to understand your topic and have the same stance as you on it by the time he or she is finished reading! If you can do that, you have written an excellent MBA Dissertation.